(Re-accredited by NAAC with 'B++' Grade (III Cycle), Affiliated to University of Mysore)

The Department of Hindi in our college has been rendering its service to the promotion and spread of our Official and National Language HINDI.
The Department of Hindi in the college was established in the year 1976, eight years after the college inception in 1968. Dr. S. Kumar was the first Head of the Department. Later Prof. G. Udaya Shankar, Prof. K.V. Aruna Kumari, Prof. Pramila and again Dr. S. Kumar took over and served as Heads of the Department.
The present Head of the Department of Hindi, Dr.Mohan Singh took charge in July 2008 and serving as H.O.D. till date.
In addition to the methodological and well planned teaching, the Department has organized various programmes to expose and provide opportunities to the students to develop their skills in Hindi through debates, group discussion and seminars. The Department is being organizing seminars, essay writing, debate, patriotic Hindi songs and other competitions for the students regularly. The Department is celebrating the HINDI DAY every year with the co-operation of the Management and the all staff of the college. The students have been encouraged and guided to write articles regularly in the college magazine-KOOJANA.
To enrich the knowledge of Hindi and skills of the staff and students, the Department has made continuous efforts to invite eminent scholars of Hindi to the college. Sri B.C. Chandre Gowda, Senior Manager, LIC, Nanjangud, Prof. G. Chandrashekar, HOD of Hindi (Rtd.), Vidyavardhaka College, Mysore, Dr. V. Sowbhagyalakshmi, Associate Professor & HOD of Hindi, Maharanis Arts College, Mysore, Dr. B. Nirmala, Associate Professor & H.O.D. of Hindi, Maharanis Science College, Mysore and Sri Parameshwara Hegde, Assistant Professor & HOD of Hindi, Mahajanas College, Mysore have visited and delivered special lectures in the department.
The college library has 1004 books of 800 titles in Hindi worth rupees 45,859/-. Many rare collections of Hindi Literature are in the Library. To encourage the students apart from textual studies, a Departmental Library has been setup with rare collections of Hindi books. There are one hundred and five books of one hundred and five titles and a Dictionary besides collection of question papers of semester scheme, question bank, syllabus and language CD’s. Students of Hindi language are reaping the benefit of the Departmental Library along with the regular college library.
The Department is situated in the ground floor along with the Department of English. It enjoys an area of about five square feet.
The Department is proud to say that its Faculty Head Dr.Mohan Singh is awarded by Ph.D. Degree in the University of Mysore with topic entitled “IKKISVI SADI KE HINDI UPANYASON MEIN PURUSH VIMARSH” and successfully completed the Course Work which related to his Ph.D. Degree work.
The Department is proud to say that the Faculty Head is serving as 1.Member, Board of Examinations in Hindi (UG), J.S.S. College for women, (Autonomous) Saraswathipuram, Mysore.(2012 to Till date)
2.Member, Executive committee, Teachers Association, J.S.S. College, Nanjangud.
Regular planning and monitoring of teaching by conducting periodic tests, assignments, seminars and special classes have been a regular part of the working of the Department. A feedback is taken from the students to take up quality improvement in teaching.