(Re-accredited by NAAC with 'B++' Grade (III Cycle), Affiliated to University of Mysore)

Department of Geography exists since the inception of the college in the year 1968. Geography is introduced as one of the optional subjects of the BA in HEG / KEG Courses. The department also teaches Environmental Studies as a subsidiary course for programs at first year level.
Geography is a unique course, which offers training in both theory and practical curricula among the subjects offered to the Arts combinations. The practical curriculum includes the field studies, field survey, sketching and mapping of terrains.
The department has motivated, qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty. The students have been bagging impressive results year by year successively.
Well equipped laboratories of the Department are an artistic tool for the hands on training. Suitable Teaching aids, demo sets, survey instruments and the related equipments are available for the students. Students are benefited and are gaining schematic training in using the equipments and are acquiring the comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught.
State of the art GIS related, computerized Programmes are used to impart the training in the extraction of current global information on the terrain, water bodies, forest regions, forest fires, disasters, oil reservoirs, mineral resources, study of weather changes, climate conditions of different regions of the globe, etc.
Special Lecture Programmes by experts in the field are arranged to update the knowledge of the faculty in general and the students in particular.
Study Tours and Field Survey are arranged frequently and regularly to enable students to grasp the comprehensive knowledge of the subject.
Contact phone number with Extension: 08221-26277 Ext No. 207
Development in the field of science and technology is reducing the gap between
distance and measurements. As a result of the recent advancements in the data acquisition systems using the remote sensing techniques, Geographic Information System (G.I.S) and Geographical Positioning System (G.P.S) are the technical tools to study the structure and distribution of natural resources over the globe. The global outlook in terms of the regions, forests, oil reserves, mineral deposits and other geo-information are understood, through the monitoring satellites. It is therefore, necessary to acquire knowledge of these techniques and the methodologies for a better understanding of the subject.
It could be highly appropriate to think of introducing these techniques at the degree level. The understanding of the current trends demands the knowledge of the relevant equipments employed in the field. The idea may be accomplished either by introducing the special papers in the present curriculum or by encouraging the special lecture / workshop Programmes, both for teachers and the students. Transforming the students into globally competitive, employable and responsible citizens
Geography is offered as one of the optional subjects for BA students with following combinations:
Soil, Agriculture, Departments, Work in disaster and water resources management, Serve in forest department as forest conservator, Work in NGOs.
Sem ester |
Core |
Elective |
Foundation (Ability Enhancement Courses) |
Total Cred its |
GE |
Course |
Cre dits |
Course |
Cre dits |
Cours e |
Cre dits |
Course |
Cred its |
Course |
Credi ts |
I |
DSC-1 A DSC-2 A DSC-3 A |
6 6 6 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Kannada/MIL-1 |
3 |
27 |
English -1 |
3 |
Environmental studies/ Constitution of India/Physical Education(Any 1 Course) |
3 |
II |
DSC-1 B DSC-2 B DSC-3 B |
6 6 6 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Kannada/MIL-2 |
3 |
27 |
English -2 |
3 |
Environmental studies/ Constitution of India /Physical Education(Any 1 Course) |
3 |
DSC-1 C DSC-2 C DSC-3 C |
6 6 6 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
SEC-1- (Communic ative Skills) |
2 |
Kannada/MIL-3 |
3 |
29 |
English -3 |
3 |
Environmental studies/ Constitution of India/Physical Education(Any 1 Course) |
3 |
IV |
DSC-1 D DSC-2 D DSC-3 D |
6 6 6 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
SEC-2- (Computer Application s) |
2 |
Kannada/MIL-4 |
3 |
26 |
English -4 |
3 |
V |
– |
– |
6 6 6 |
GE-1 |
2 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
20 |
VI |
– |
– |
6 6 6 |
GE-2 |
2 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
20 |
Tota l |
– |
72 |
36 |
04 |
– |
04 |
– |
30 |
149 |
Sem este r |
Course |
Title of Paper |
Instruction Hrs/Week |
Cre dit |
Duration of Exam (Hrs) |
Marks IA (C1+C2) |
Final Exam (C3) |
Total Mar ks |
I |
DSC-1A –Theory |
Physical Geography |
4:0:0 |
4 |
3 |
10+10 |
80 |
100 |
DSC-1A- Practical |
Maps & Scale, Representation of Relief Features & Meteorological Instruments |
0:0:4 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
II |
DSC-2B –Theory |
Human Geography |
4:0:0 |
4 |
3 |
10+10 |
80 |
100 |
DSC-2B – Practical |
Map Projection |
0:0:4 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
DSC-3C –Theory |
Regional Geography of the World |
4:0:0 |
4 |
3 |
10+10 |
80 |
100 |
DSC-3C – Practical |
Cartograms and Distribution Maps |
0:0:4 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
IV |
DSC-4D –Theory |
Geography of India |
4:0:0 |
4 |
3 |
10+10 |
80 |
100 |
DSC-4D – Practical |
Basic Statistics |
0:0:4 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
Discipline Specific Elective Papers DSE-1 & DSE-2 (Choose Any One) |
V |
DSE-1-Theory |
Economic Geography |
4:0:0 |
4 |
3 |
10+10 |
80 |
100 |
DSE-1a-Theory |
Settlement Geography |
4:0:0 |
4 |
3 |
10+10 |
80 |
100 |
DSE-1b-Theory |
Tourism Geography |
4:0:0 |
4 |
3 |
10+10 |
80 |
100 |
DSE-1-Practical |
Introduction of Topographical Maps & Indian Daily Weather Report |
0:0:4 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
VI |
DSE-1-Theory |
Environmental Geography |
4:0:0 |
4 |
3 |
10+10 |
80 |
00 |
DSE-1a-Theory |
Regional Geography of Karnataka |
4:0:0 |
4 |
3 |
10+10 |
80 |
100 |
DSE-1b-Theory |
Population & Political Geography |
4:0:0 |
4 |
3 |
10+10 |
80 |
100 |
DSE-1-Practical |
Surveying & Fundamental of GIS |
0:0:4 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
Skill Enhancement Course( SEC ) (Compulsory Paper) |
SEC-1 Paper |
Regional Planning& Development |
2:0:0 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
IV |
SEC-2 Paper |
Field Techniques & Survey Based Project Report |
2:0:0 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
Generic Elective |
V |
GE-1 |
Introduction to Physical Geography |
2:0:0 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
GE-2 |
Regional Geography of the World |
2:0:0 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
VI |
GE-3 |
Introduction to Human Geography |
2:0:0 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
GE-4 |
Regional Geography of India |
2:0:0 |
2 |
3 |
05+05 |
40 |
50 |
Total area of the Department – 68.33 sq.m
The department has the following facilities for the academic activities.
Sl.No. |
Details |
Area |
1. |
Practical Laboratory-1 |
7.7 x 6.4 = 49.28 sq.m |
2. |
Staff Room |
3.0 x 3.85 = 11.55 sq.m |
3. |
Store Room |
3.0 x 2.50 = 7.50 sq.m |
Total Area |
68.33 sq.m |
Dr. Mahadevaprasad A.N
M.A., PhD , Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Geography
M.A, Assistant professor
Dr. A N Mahadevaprasad
Assistant Professor Department of Geography
JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science Deveerammanahally,
Nanjangud-571301 Mob. No. 9449324289
E Mail: prasadanm63@gmail.com